Sunday, November 13, 2016

Under 400!

I recently looked up the highest peaks on the AT and found that we had only conquered 1 so far (Mt Washington) and we still had 9 to go. We get to hike up on of those today!

#5. Roan High Knob

Height: 6285 feet
Location: On the North Carolina / Tennessee border
Parks: Cherokee National Forest and Pisgah National Forest
Directly on the AT: Yes
Details: The Roan High Knob Shelter is the highest backcountry shelter. Out of all the peaks on this list, Roan High Knob has been one of the busiest. Amongst other things, there used to be a hotel on the summit that attracted famous politicians and European royalty.

We're packing up after an overnight at a brand new hostel (Doe River) in the town of Roan Mt. It was really nice and prepared us for this hike. Son Dexter talked about meeting, but I'm not sure he'll tear himself away from his Asheville festivities.

Our remaining miles dipped under 400 yesterday. Seems nice just to say 3..something. Sounds close. Still (see peaks) work to do!

36°12′39″ N  82°6′48″ W
Elevation: 2,510
Miles to go: 393.1
Miles walked: 1,796