Thursday, November 3, 2016

1579 – 1,606 (583.1 Remaining)

Southern Virginia

Today, we said goodbye to Peach and Panda (Paige and Penny).  They walked almost four days with us and 47+ miles. Pretty good since she had not walked over 8 miles before. Great days and great hikes!  Hummingbird and Peach were even reposted by Appalachian Trials in Instagram for a Halloween shot I took of them.

I started the day with a fast 7+ miles alone. After making the girls coffee, I packed and left them enjoying their cup. My mission included the early hike, a 4 mile hitch into town followed by another 60 mile hitch back to Pearisburg where Paige's car was parked. I made the short ride without trying, but when I found out the longer section was to go straight by a state prison, I looked for another way. Forty dollars later, I was hanging with Bubba in his sweet Dodge Caravan!  He dropped me back at the Angel’s Rest Hostel. I had knocked that task off by noon and was back to the girls before 2. We said our goodbyes and went back in the woods for another 8 miles ending at a sweet spot by a creek and a fire pit. Complete with a picnic table too-we really enjoy being able to sit somewhat normally.

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