Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Arrived in Georgia!

After 166 days, through 13 states, countless mountain tops, ridges, gaps, notches, bales, valleys and swamps, we have arrived in our last state. Although we had to shuttle in due to the fires, we made it. Funny though that we really didn't have to because we are now officially Appalachian Trail Thru Hikers!  The employees at the Nantahala Outdoor Center informed us that the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (which is the ruling authority) has declared the NOC to be the point that you had to make to be a Thru hiker. However, we had never thought about doing this to be declared a “Thru Hiker”. Rather, we (specifically Hummingbird) we're doing it to do it.

Apparently, we did it!

Now that we've jumped over the fire zone, the weather channel is declaring an end to the worst drought in history. A major storm arrived last night and is dumping rain in the scale of inches. Our first weather related event where we are actually out in it. We knew it was coming (watched weather channel over burgers and beer at NOC) so our accommodations for last night was the Deep Gap Shelter. A rarity for us but it was a mistake we didn't want to make again. Up in PA, we opted for the tent knowing full well rain was coming. Easy access to a shelter didn't change our minds. We were literally smoked by a thunderstorm that night. Oops, I guess we did have a weather related event. More now come to mind (it is a very long hike).

The rain is supposed to last for 2 days. The four of us in here all agree that we can handle that. We'll target another shelter 23 miles down the trail. Our mileage plan to finish:

8 plus the 8 for the approach trail

Looks like a workout plan with a built in cool down. We're excited to complete this and move on. Hummingbird to her new career as a textile designer at the Target HQ in Minneapolis and me? Who knows. I've said this whole trip that I have plenty of time to figure out what I'm going to do when I grow up. No longer have plenty of time. I do agree with Dylan: “I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now”.

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