Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Deep Gap to Low Gap Shelter (22.8 miles)

The all day rain we expected didn't happen. We had planned to do a big day in the pouring rain. While it started that way, the rain abated around 9:30 and gave us clear sailing for the rest of a really long day. Our current trail family (most very likely our last) whole heartedly agreed that this will be the last 20 mile day that we’ll do (only 3 days left).

I've been carrying an extra cell phone for the last few days (found on the trail). I had called a number in it and figured out who had dropped it pretty much right away. We made no immediate arrangement to get it back to him, but today we connected and someone is going to meet us at Neels Gap tomorrow around noon. They'll also be bringing trail magic in the form of pizza or tburgers. Going to surprise us. This will be the second time some magic came out of a cell phone discovery. The other was up on The Beauty Spot during the Super Moon. I'll be glad to be free of the 1 lb brick.

Tomorrow is also expected to rain all day. It is supposed to clear and become cool for our last two days. Only four of us in Low Gap Shelter as was the case last night. Hummingbird and Cinderella talk into the night while Water Boy and Cucumber nod off to sleep. Eight-thirty is so late it's hard to explain. I can say I've dropped my phone onto my forehead more times than I can say. A version of falling asleep at the wheel.

34°46′35″ N  83°49′28″ W
Elevation : 2,800’
Temp : 61°

1 comment:

  1. Nice going team Benda. Mom/Gramma will be waiting at the end...in spirit... to celebrate your amazing trek....and her birthday!
