Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Beauty Bald thru Erwin TN

Town day. Usually will scrub some mileage and this did for sure. I had cracked a tooth in half a few days ago and I'm I bit worried that it'll get an infection. So far, no problem. To be safe I rang up my dentist back home and they pushed some antibiotics to the local CVS in Erwin. We were also low on snacks for our push to Hot Springs. All told it cost us a few hours. We did make it out of town but late. Straight up 1,400 feet or so when a golden campsite called us in. Well short of our goal. No problem, we'll still make Hot Springs on Friday where we have a resupply box waiting. I also will have a new pair (final) of boots that Vasque shipped to a local hostel there.

Health-wise, Hummingbird seems to be struggling with the forest fire smoke. All of our southbound hiker friends that are near us have also been effected. I'm still good. We're going to keep pushing although we're certain that the full length of the trail is most likely out of the question due to closures.

As of today, the closures would mean that we finish 4-5 days earlier-maybe e ven in November.

 36°4′60″ N  82°27′40″ W
Elevation: 3,540’
Miles remaining: 338.9
Miles walked: 1,850.2

1 comment:

  1. Stay safe. Don't mess around with smoke related lung problems.
