Monday, November 14, 2016

Hughes Gap to Beauty Spot Gap - Super Moon

Dexter had informed us that the moon was a Super Moon. The epic viewing on the full moon was to be at 6:30 am. Hummingbird and I were ready with coffee and morning snacks for the show. The moon had been incredible all night. We left the rain fly off for optimal viewing as well. Half way through the night, a big animal was moving toward us. I was in a deep sleep until the very pointed rib jab woke me up. We both sat up and looked out at what we expected was a big bear only to see, perfectly in the moonlight, Bambi. That was really cool (and a relief at the same time).

At 6:15, the moon dipped into the forest fire smoke and disappeared. So much for optimal viewing. This brings us to tonight. The Beauty Spot we had hiked just shy of twenty miles when we came upon the knoll that looked perfect for a sunset and a moon rise. We arrived early enough to setup in the sun-haven't done that too many times recently. We also found a nice ½ gallon of fresh water someone had magic’d to us. Only the start of some great trail magic to come. Two retired couples then set up chairs, wine, cheese, Popeyes chicken etc. right next to us. We stood there on the knoll (freezing in the wind) for the next couple hours sharing food and stories. Great time. I just heard a chime outside and investigated to find a pillowcase with a cell phone in it that someone had left behind. Unlocked, I was able to call “Mom”. We have hot chocolates on the way now from the relieved owner of the cell. Magical day.

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