Saturday, November 19, 2016

Taking a Zero

Six hundred and eighty miles. Straight. No break. No rain. So, today we are taking a day off. I just packed what is likely to be the last “non-essential” box and shipped it home. It happens to have my umbrella in it. I've carried it for over 1,900 miles and used it twice. Good idea maybe in a non-drought year. I now feel that I'm personally responsible for ending the drought-it's raining outside!

We are surrounded by our relatively new trail family sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Hot Springs, NC. All eight of us decided to zero and are enjoying the downtime. In the spirit of full disclosure, I've had my first issues with my feet this week. I took my socks off after one of our bigger days and the toes of both feet were splashed in a nice color of blood. They would hurt if I could actually feel them. Anyway, I started on an antibiotic because I'm nervous about infection. As I understand it, any infection could be an issue with my hip replacement since the infection could setup there and ruin the new hip. Therefore the meds.

I may have written before about the “trail will provide” and will do so again here. This morning as I'm working down my 5th cup of coffee and having a foot discussion with a local (‘cause that's what we do), the gal says “well, I'm an RN and I'll have a look if you want”. Next thing you know, I have my socks off and getting a thorough foot assessment (and message). All good. Quit your whining and get back out there!

I'm getting a weather report right now for tomorrow and “it'll be cold and windy but the rain will be gone. Good because we'll hit Max Patch which is another bald highlight.

My new boots didn't arrive so I'll be doing some super glue work on my old ones tonight. Hummingbird just bought a new pair of trail runners for the last push-she's very happy.

A trail angel named Miss Janet is organizing a thanksgiving feast here in Hot Springs. Since we'll be roughly 80 miles away, a shuttle would come get us to join in. We are on the “very interested” list. Not quite sure we can make it happen…

We just printed our passes ($20 each) for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I think we'll be there early this week.

35°53′35″ N  82°49′35″ W
Elevation : 1,330
Remaining : 273.4
Completed : 1,915.4
157-15-21 : days out-days remain-zero days

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