Thursday, November 24, 2016

Smokies – One More Day

Since my last post, we've been cruising…straight up into the Great  Smokey Mountain National Park and it has turned out to be just that-smokey. Saying that we had trouble breathing was an understatement. Normally, “Smokey” comes from the steam generated by all the moisture in the mountain. This was from the fires still blazing down south. We donned kerchiefs o our faces and trudged through.

We still had a decision to make about The hiker Thanksgiving. I woke up early that morning before entering the park and decided against since it would cost us a day-a day we wanted to be home earlier.

What may prove to be our last night with our current trail family (tramily) turned into a big “sleepover”. Fifteen hikers all jammed into one shelter like cord wood. Normally, Hummingbird and I would have pitched a tent, but GSMNP rules state that you have to being the shelter if there is room. I guess there was room…

The following day we said our goodbyes to the other 13 in the parking lot closest to Gatlinburg. It was a bit of a circus because of the touristy nature of that town. After 3 big glazed donuts, we headed into the woods toward Clingman’s Dome (highest point on the AT). We made the plan to shelter just short of it and summit at sunrise. Good plan but it rained all night and the summit was completely fogged in. No big deal, we kept going.

Today was eventfuL as we summited 2 6,000 footers, crossed the (completely unmarked) 2,000 mile mark and are now enjoying our last night in the park. Total nights here:3.

Miles Remain : 183.2

35°33′43″ N  83°43′59″ W
Elevation : 4,850


  1. We missed you at the Thanksgiving event in Hot Springs! (You got a nice picture of it though.) Hope you had a good Thanksgiving in the Smokies! Equinox
