Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Low Gap Shelter to Lance Creek Camp (18.9)

Our plans for these last days have been holding. Not easy though-especially today. We knew it would rain, but this was a pretty major storm with super high winds. I believe it was the front end of this storm that whipped the winds that burned Gatlinburg.

We were able to run through 11.5 by noon so that we could be inside for the worst of it. The only building on the trail that the AT actually goes through we targeted and made for lunch. In fact, we had a lunch date set with the lost cell phone folks from Florida. They arrived just after noon with a few chicken dinners and some burritos. Awesome trail magic! All we had to do was bring the lost cell phone that I had been carrying for a couple days.

Laying here in the tent on our second to last night in the wilderness and only 24.3 miles remaining in the trip. We feel lucky to have made it through (as mentioned in an earlier post). Especially the Smokies. We found out today that they've now closed the Smokies for any Hikers. So, we did just make it through.

In the dark and rain tonight, we went over our last 4K mountain-Blood Mt. Not worried about missed views because of the rain and we needed to get a final 8 miles in after the storm went by.

Final plan:
8 plus the 8 for the approach trail

34°42′28″ N  83°59′4″ W
Elevation : 2,860
Low of 36° tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're clear of the rain for the remainder of your hike. Enjoy these last two days!
