Sunday, September 18, 2016

Port Clinton, Pa

Short day today. We just finished our strongest week at 17.39 miles/day. Three 20+'ers in there over what I would describe as the worst terrain of the hike. We've been hearing about the rocks of Pa since we started looking into this adventure and it has not let us down. Not in a good way!  Brother Boo (rock guy since he became conscious) started to describe some sort of igneous blah, blah, blah type rock. I cut him off and gave him the correct name: "shiteous". 

Not trying to sound bitchy, just confirming that "Rocksylvania" came through as reported. 

Lehigh gap was really nice. I didn't see it coming, but the view is incredible from high on the trail. 

We are currently watching the Denver Bronco-Indianapolis game at our Trail Family member's (HawkWoman) house. We had talked about staying here several days ago and she found us at the Duncan Donuts outside of the world's largest Cabelas. Of course, we resupplied there. 

Lunch: Kielbasi (not Kielbasa-kinda like the correct way to say sauna), kishkie (potato sausage), haluskie (cabbage/noodles)
Lasagna later + Yeungling!  Laundry, bed. Even though short miles today, well worth it to regen the batteries. 

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