Monday, September 26, 2016

Half Way There

Pictures will be loaded when we have wifi 

Huge milestone today!  We hit the half way point, the we hit the half way point then, finally, we hit it again. Since the trail changes year to year due to new routes, redirection or other reasons that change the length of the trail, so too would the half way point change. There are some really nice markers and it's unlikely those will be moved. The most unimpressive signpost is the "Official 2016"  marker. Oh well, still a great moment for us!

1,094.55 miles...we sleep tonight at one of the nicest shelters (Birch Run) that we've seen. No one here but us-we always enjoy that. Even though enjoying the shelter means to us that we'll be tenting near the shelter. We both like the comfort of our own shelter since no mice have ever joined us in our tents. 

Today, we also passed by the AT Museum-which was really cool. Finished that visit with some great food from the General Store courtesy of some incredible trail angels from Jersey/Penn!

Always fun to run into people who are interested in what this is all about. 

Yesterday, we started out on a mission. We knew we had a package in Boiling Springs and we also knew we had to be there on Saturday by noon. Being 8 miles away it wouldn't be a challenge,but we had to be sure. Made it by 10:40-we were flying. In the package were some incredible treats sent by some of my AMWAY friends. Thanks to all!  Support is so much appreciated!

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