Sunday, September 4, 2016

Graymoor Spiritual Life Center 41°20'50"N 73°55'9" W 500ft

779.5 Listening to the church bells as we lay down in our tents. We're camping at the GSLC because it came highly recommended. We should have come in earlier and we could have checked it out. Instead, tired, hungry and in the dark. Kind of our MO the week. Our most productive week on the AT:


I guess that day off in Great Barrington paid off (2 states ago). Days are getting shorter so new batteries for the headlamps are in order. 

Lots of roots and rocks. The roots are roots except when they aren't. 

Heard there is a shower here. See in the morning. 

The deli run continues: 
Tony's Deli night 1
Pizza delivered to the campsite last night
Burgers and shower by some lake resort mid-day today and
Breakfast at a deli in the morning (potential)

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