Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Delaware Water Gap - State 8

Just passed into Pennsylvania this afternoon after a short 14 mile day. This week, we had our buddy Gregg Slager join us for a "supported" 30+mile day. Supported in the sense that his wife Sue dropped him off, took much of our heavy equipment (tents, sleeping bags, food,etc) plus our dirty laundry and met us later in the day after the hike. We camped that night in a shelter with road access for her return trip. She brought the clean laundry (bonus-bonus-bonus), beers, wine, water, gatorades, Ibus, and (8 bonuses here) Lake Michigan Salmon caught by the Slager fishing team last week! They brought "Trail Magic" to a whole new level. 

Looking down from above
Our friend HawkWoman (SOBO) on our trajectory. 
Using our new selfie stick (thanks Gregg)

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