Friday, September 2, 2016

Pawning New York 41°34'59" N 73°35'30" W 460ft

The "Deli Run" has begun!  We've been hearing about it for quite sometime and now it's here. New York doesn't allow hitchhiking so we had to walk to our first (a killer .6 off the trail). Worth it! This place is open until  midnight and opens at 4am.  Two dollars a person to camp. Six pack of Bud-oops, American. 

The deli run supposedly allows us to walk through NY and maybe NJ with very little food. That'll be tough for us after near mal-nourished episode up in MA. 

Tonight, we're sleeping between a speeding Amtrak and a highway. The price of convenience. 

We had a couple obstacles on the way. 


Also, a little wary of tropical storm Hemine working it's way up the coast It'll bring rain for sure. 

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