Wednesday, September 21, 2016

First 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣

1000 Miles!  When we say "Milestone", we mean milestone!  Our camp this night was at 1000.1 as the stones suggest. We stopped for a celebratory pizza at 996. 

My first bear sighting occurred yesterday. Sydney didn't see it but it actually walked across my path between us. Syd was a few hundred yards ahead.

Yesterday was a big day for many reasons. Certainly not least of these was the CFDA Award the was announced yesterday for Sydney. A really big honor for her. Exciting for both of us as we had worked on this together in several ways: 
First, I helped her move out of her Atlanta apartment while she worked on submitting her portfolio in June.  Next, we hiked hard for Andover, Maine in July so that she could do a Skype interview with the CFDA.  I stayed behind in New Hampshire for a week in late July, early August (working for stay at the Notch Hostel) while Syd refined her (now known to us) winning portfolio for on-line publication. Lastly, I had to keep the secret. Fun, and again, a great honor for Sydney and congratulations to her!

Our hike is something!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Sydney on her award! And congratulations to you both for the thousand mile achievement!!
