Friday, October 21, 2016

Wind! Weather!

TAfter resupplying in Glasgow this morning (I also did laundry while Hummingbird slept), we made our way over to Boss’s for breakfast. I would say one of the cheapest we've had, but good. Very good. I still have the habit of ordering every thing on the menu for 2 reasons: 1) I need to stem the weight loss and 2) I'm hungry. Always hungry. I grew up with the nickname “garbage can” because it (any food not eaten) would be pushed down to me. I feel I've gone back to those days when I would burn anything I ate-and fast.

We did make it back to the trail at around noon. We had the chance to wait out a downpour in the tavern so we did. We also talked one of the patrons to drive us the 5 or so miles back to the trail. Good win there. We are now purely hunkered down on the side of a mountain while strong winds rage around us. My tent has a very good wind resistant shape and we're all good. Just really strong wind noise all around us. We pay very close attention to what the trees are like when we camp especially on these kinds of nights. Since we had to camp in an unofficial or stealth site tonight, it is a bit dicier.

37°33′32″ N  79°27′30″ W
2.500' Elevation

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