Saturday, October 15, 2016

Under 900 miles!

1293.9 Done. 895.2 to go.
Tonight we sleep near a creek listening to 15-20 weekend hikers enjoying the campfire. This is normal now on each weekend. We never see any thru hiker north-bounders anymore so it is really these that dominate Fri-Sun. Generally all nice and are super interested in our experience. Seems like we get a little speed up and another day hiker is standing by to let you through. You can always tell that they want to talk about it. No problem there. One lady hollered (it's what they do down here) when we went by near her campsite if we were thru hiking and did we have enough supplies. This was yesterday. Today, we saw her again walking in the opposite direction so we exchanged two bars for information on how she should be holding her trekking poles. She was so excited I could hear her giggling as she moved north.

We also made a connection for the end of the trail for some shuttle service from a guy who lives near the southern terminus

The colors are changing fast it has been quite chilly in the evenings making the morning coffee ritual a little more urgent.

38°17′4″ N  78°39′31″ W
2,930' Elevation

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