Tuesday, October 25, 2016

4 Pines Hostel

One of those days. I hit the wall early and started doing some on trail research. It didn't take long to find the 4 Pines Hostel. Should be noted that we're trying to figure out another on trail sync-up. Syd's college roomy is joining us on Friday at a location that allows us a certain amount of "pump the brakes". If we push too far, we'll be in no mans land. Timing the road crossing perfectly allows us to hang out at this hiker hostel, slack pack an easy 13 tomorrow and sleep inside for 2 days straight. All good.

McAffee Knob was our big moment of the day. We had an awesome bluebird summit lunch with some day hikers turned trail angels when they gave us all remaing food. Should be noted that any self respecting thru hiker must (no exceptions here) accept any and all donations. It's a rule.

37°21′46″ N  80°9′23″ W
Elevation : 1,890

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