Monday, October 10, 2016

Officially on a quick break

We are now on break from our vacation.

955.8 miles to go - Shenandoah National Park

Last night, we camped within a mile of the park. After a long leisurely coffee and breakfast (juevos rancheros), we proceeded into the park. 

I didn't get that post out before we left. So, now I can report on the wildly successful wedding of Colin and Hannah. Syd and I had a blast! I even camped at Briar for the first time in many years. I guess the camping thing is pretty ingrained now. 

Arrived in Lansing Mi at 9:15 am on Wed and proceeded to not have a minute of downtime for the next 6 days. I had a long list of honey dos not to mention all the wedding stuff. 

Good fun, but now we can go back to the trail and rest doing "just those 20 mile days".

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