Wednesday, October 12, 2016

We are baack!

OK. Break over. We arrived back in Richmond just before midnight on Monday. Sandy and Larry Willis were there to pick us up. Trail Angels for sure! They had to sleep earlier in the evening for the late night pickup. Pretty awesome!  On Tuesday, we were headed back to the trail. First, a couple stops.  REI was just a couple of miles away so we had to spend a few more hundees there. Next, Sandy teaches a Tai Chi class several times a week so we joined her at the local Y and participated in the class. I felt the Chi!

After all that, we made it back to the trailhead around 5:30. We had planned a longer hike with Sandy, but it ended up as a shorter 2 miler to a view and back. This, however, was not without some cliff-side, sunset Tai Chi. A pretty full day.

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