Tuesday, October 25, 2016

4 Pines Hostel

One of those days. I hit the wall early and started doing some on trail research. It didn't take long to find the 4 Pines Hostel. Should be noted that we're trying to figure out another on trail sync-up. Syd's college roomy is joining us on Friday at a location that allows us a certain amount of "pump the brakes". If we push too far, we'll be in no mans land. Timing the road crossing perfectly allows us to hang out at this hiker hostel, slack pack an easy 13 tomorrow and sleep inside for 2 days straight. All good.

McAffee Knob was our big moment of the day. We had an awesome bluebird summit lunch with some day hikers turned trail angels when they gave us all remaing food. Should be noted that any self respecting thru hiker must (no exceptions here) accept any and all donations. It's a rule.

37°21′46″ N  80°9′23″ W
Elevation : 1,890

Sunday, October 23, 2016

1434.9 to 1456.6 (732.5 Remain)

Hiked our two biggest days this week. On Wednesday, we did 22.8 miles. Today, we hit 21.7. Wind had died and it warmed up enough to go back to t-shirt hiking. Yesterday we did so many wardrobe changes I lost count. First you have the raincoat on over the down jacket then you bake. Off comes the layers, you stop for a break and freeze. Good to have a consistent day today.

We'll be walking through a couple trail towns in the morning and we're excited to see if we have mail. Mail=special packages from home bound trail angels. Did some research today and found that 9 out of the top 10 highest peaks on the AT are yet to come. Mainly along the North Carolina/Tennessee border in the Smokies. Could get chilly!

37°23′54″ N  79°51′13″ W
2,740’ Elevation

Friday, October 21, 2016

Wind! Weather!

TAfter resupplying in Glasgow this morning (I also did laundry while Hummingbird slept), we made our way over to Boss’s for breakfast. I would say one of the cheapest we've had, but good. Very good. I still have the habit of ordering every thing on the menu for 2 reasons: 1) I need to stem the weight loss and 2) I'm hungry. Always hungry. I grew up with the nickname “garbage can” because it (any food not eaten) would be pushed down to me. I feel I've gone back to those days when I would burn anything I ate-and fast.

We did make it back to the trail at around noon. We had the chance to wait out a downpour in the tavern so we did. We also talked one of the patrons to drive us the 5 or so miles back to the trail. Good win there. We are now purely hunkered down on the side of a mountain while strong winds rage around us. My tent has a very good wind resistant shape and we're all good. Just really strong wind noise all around us. We pay very close attention to what the trees are like when we camp especially on these kinds of nights. Since we had to camp in an unofficial or stealth site tonight, it is a bit dicier.

37°33′32″ N  79°27′30″ W
2.500' Elevation

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Glasgow VA

hot again. Yep, lower case. Tired of that. Totally wanting snow. We ran into some southbounders that day the like the heat, but I don't understand. I do better in cooler weather period. That said, we had our biggest day yesterday at 22.9 miles-in 88°, sunny weather!

Our hike up Priest was pretty cool! Great views and we camped by ourselves at the top. It blew hard all night! Reminded me of Cape Hatteras (where we went windsurfing -before kid's school).

Running low on fuel again (food) we find ourselves in town to resupply. When you have spaghetti for breakfast because it is what you have left, it might be time to stop in

The views have been some of the best.
Last 9 days: 172 miles!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

1327.8 or 861.3

That is the question. For months I always thought in terms of how far we've come. Now, it's confused. Every day it's one or the other as if an extended transition is happening. I know that it'll soon be all about the miles remaining-just not exactly yet.

We sit here at Weasie's diner in Waynesboro, VA having showered last night at the local YMCA (sing it), camped at the free hiker campsite (Y), and laundered (yes-Christmas)! Omelettes ordered and planning for the day. We just finished 95 miles in the last 5 days and we were stinky! On the way down from the Shenandoahs, we came across a trail angel list. "Southerner" was on his way! Ten minutes later, we were being shuttled to the Y.  Greeting us at the campsite was Otis. We last saw him in New Hampshire. He had been doing crazy sections all over and declared completion just two days ago. He looked lost-or drunk-maybe same thing?!

Hi temp of 82° today. Edging up to unproductive heat. Hoping we can stay cool. Our trip home to Michigan was perfect as we missed hurricane Matthew's rain. Our great weather on this epic tour continues.

Amazing coincidence last night: a couple sat next to us at the local tavern. As we munched down some burgers and beers (always my goto), I overheard them talking about Yeungling beer. Of course I had to tell them all about Pottsvile and the brewery. Two minutes into the conversation were had moved on to skiing in Colorado, Steamboat, A Basin, etc. we could have gone on all night. Turns out He had ski patrolled in the 50's, skied with some 10 Mountain Division guys and he (Ed) is married to Magie. I said, my mom's name is Margaret and she said me too. What a coincidence!  Ed and Margaret are my parents names (for those of you that didn't know).

38°4′8″ N  78°52′59″ W

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Under 900 miles!

1293.9 Done. 895.2 to go.
Tonight we sleep near a creek listening to 15-20 weekend hikers enjoying the campfire. This is normal now on each weekend. We never see any thru hiker north-bounders anymore so it is really these that dominate Fri-Sun. Generally all nice and are super interested in our experience. Seems like we get a little speed up and another day hiker is standing by to let you through. You can always tell that they want to talk about it. No problem there. One lady hollered (it's what they do down here) when we went by near her campsite if we were thru hiking and did we have enough supplies. This was yesterday. Today, we saw her again walking in the opposite direction so we exchanged two bars for information on how she should be holding her trekking poles. She was so excited I could hear her giggling as she moved north.

We also made a connection for the end of the trail for some shuttle service from a guy who lives near the southern terminus

The colors are changing fast it has been quite chilly in the evenings making the morning coffee ritual a little more urgent.

38°17′4″ N  78°39′31″ W
2,930' Elevation

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Shenandoah continues

Our first day back on the trail was absolutely perfect. We knocked out 19.8 miles without a problem. Good coffee, a late start and still good. We even stopped at one of the convenience stores for an early lunch. Really easy hiking, plenty of water and perfect weather. We're up pretty high tonight (3,450) in terms of these mountains. Stealth camping under some pines listening to the wind blow. Perfect sleeping conditions. We'll do it all over again tomorrow!

38°37′27″ N  78°20′54″ W
Low 45 tonight

We are baack!

OK. Break over. We arrived back in Richmond just before midnight on Monday. Sandy and Larry Willis were there to pick us up. Trail Angels for sure! They had to sleep earlier in the evening for the late night pickup. Pretty awesome!  On Tuesday, we were headed back to the trail. First, a couple stops.  REI was just a couple of miles away so we had to spend a few more hundees there. Next, Sandy teaches a Tai Chi class several times a week so we joined her at the local Y and participated in the class. I felt the Chi!

After all that, we made it back to the trailhead around 5:30. We had planned a longer hike with Sandy, but it ended up as a shorter 2 miler to a view and back. This, however, was not without some cliff-side, sunset Tai Chi. A pretty full day.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Officially on a quick break

We are now on break from our vacation.

955.8 miles to go - Shenandoah National Park

Last night, we camped within a mile of the park. After a long leisurely coffee and breakfast (juevos rancheros), we proceeded into the park. 

I didn't get that post out before we left. So, now I can report on the wildly successful wedding of Colin and Hannah. Syd and I had a blast! I even camped at Briar for the first time in many years. I guess the camping thing is pretty ingrained now. 

Arrived in Lansing Mi at 9:15 am on Wed and proceeded to not have a minute of downtime for the next 6 days. I had a long list of honey dos not to mention all the wedding stuff. 

Good fun, but now we can go back to the trail and rest doing "just those 20 mile days".

Monday, October 3, 2016

Another big day on the trail. Modern day hanging of the spurs...

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2dWbRyE


The future is here...

Since the beginning of this trip, we've been planning on going home for Hannah and Colin's wedding. Seemed way off, but now it's here!  Tomorrow, we'll get "extracted" off of the trail almost right after we enter the north end of Shenandoah National Park.  Cousin Sandy will be driving out of the Richmond area to make the connection. That's some real trail magic right there!

We had a really nice few days out of Harpers Ferry. In these days we blew by the 1000 miles to go marker,
went through something called the roller coaster
stayed at the Bears Den Hostel and kept right on going. Three days and just short of 60 miles. Another good run.