Friday, August 5, 2016

Restart 389.4

After an 8 day hiatus from hiking, the team of Cucumber, Hummingbird and Chipmunk Chuck prepare to head out of North Woodstock.   Hummingbird made it back from her stay in Mi and now we start.  Actually, we'll start as soon as they wake up and get packing.  Yesterday, I laid out all the gear in the sun for all 3 backpacks.  It was a very unpleasant discovery when I found a week old jellified slug on my tent rainfly... something smells fishy.   At least I found it before we were in the woods.  

Our plan is to hit the trail by 10 at the latest as we have a driver (Beem) that will drive us and hike with us for a few days.   She also promised some trail magic up ahead in Vermont since she works and lives near the trail.

As of this moment, our ETA in Springer (at the current pace) is March 24, 2017.  I guess we'll have to pick it up a bit.  Not thinking we'll actually lay down an 8 day zero stretch again.  But, who knows.

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