Sunday, August 14, 2016

485.2 Gifford Woods State Park

These last two days were defined by the weather. I guess we shouldn't complain since we've had nearly two months of really great weather. 

Yesterday, marked the first day of hiking with Karl, Mende, Peyton, Beem-dos Vaida, Goldfish, Mr Sunshine, Hummingbird and Cucumber. Heat, heat and humidity. I believe it was 93 when we hit the trail for our targeted 10 hike. These were really tough miles! Give me rain, sleet, snow, anything but heat. 

We all managed to make our way through to "The Lookout". This cabin on top of the mountain had many hikers already encamped within. Most importantly Beem and Mr Sunshine were on top of the cabin (nice parapet) enjoying a couple of nice (hiked in) IPAs. No small feat since they had enough for the adults in the group. 

The 360 degree views up there were amazing. 

Four tents were set for the night. 

On Saturday, I'll get my rain wish. A little cooler and rain most of the day. Especially at lunch. Just as we were arriving at a shelter for a break, the rain and lightening started with s fury. One after another of us came into the lean to with the pure soaked appeal. Good to be under cover for most of that. 

Our day ended with a walk into Gifford for the night. While setting up 3 tents, I glanced at the weather. Two bars of cell allowed for the quick glance. Uh oh, "it's going to be here in 5 minutes!". Thanks to the Dark Sky app we started hustling. All three were pitched just as another rumbler came through. The night was filled with these. This morning will be a big clean the gear day whole in the Killington area. 

Goldfish snuck a sleep in a shelter. 

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