Friday, August 12, 2016

Getting Ready for Guests 460.9

Enjoyed a nice walk out of town as we were greeted with an uphill hike on pavement that just kept going. Joey jumped on a cooler of trail magic (coke can) as we re-entered the woods. This was by far the longest road walk we've experienced: Hanover NH over the Connecticut River into Norwich then re-entry. About 3.5 miles of road. 

Just as we were about to head in, a couple of NOBOs told us to try and beat their newt record. Apparently, they had spotted 107 of the little guys on the side of the trail. 

Yep, turns out they were happening:

Made for a dizzying walk as looking for those while hiking is hard!

After a nice trail magic stay at Linda's place on the White River (burgers, hot dogs, soda-not pop and a jump in the river), we moved on. 

We had a meeting set for Woodstock Vt so there wasn't a huge push for miles.  

Word out here now is that water is going to be harder and harder to find. Turns out that we came on to the Cloudland Market just in time!  Great sodas, ice cream and resupply of water. We were also greeted with more trail magic immediately afterward: PB &Js, ice water and Someores in a cooler!  

Our day ended with a hitch into Woodstock that we were a little apprehensive about. Three of us. We didn't need to worry since we were picked up within 10 minutes for the short ride to town (thanks Barbara!). We also were taken straight to the Ardmore Inn B&B where we've been treated like kings by Charlotte and her family! We later found out that this is where the PB&Js came from on the trail.

Hummingbird's boyfriend showed up a little later to join for a couple days of hiking with us. 

On Friday, Karl and Mende also join. 

Trail Family for the week:
Karl, Mende, Goldfish (Joey's new trail name), Pey-Pey LePew (Sydney's boyfriend Peyton-earned on Katahdin), Beem, Mr. Sunshine, Hummingbird and Cucumber. 

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