Monday, August 1, 2016

On Hold - 389.4 Kinsman Notch

Some explanation here...On Wednesday, July 27, our team had just enjoyed the perfect Franconia Notch run and proceeded straight down to the Liberty Springs area so we could get picked up by the Notch Hostel folks.  After we determined that it would be a nice .9 mile hike to the parking lot (complete with wrong direction taken), we made it there where our driver was waiting patiently to drive us through North Woodstock and over to the hostel were we met up with long time tramly member Jeremiah.  Of course, we had to hit the beer store on the way into town.   

Check in consisted of sprawling out on the lawn while tie-dye (Serena) brought out her laptop, took my credit card to over the two planned nights.  I also arranged for Chipmunk to do a work-for-stay.   

This plan allowed Hummingbird and I the opportunity to "slack-pack" the 17 miles between Franconia Notch and Kinsman Notch.  So, off we went for a nice 10 hour run.  Really was a run because the back pack (borrowed from the Notch) only had water, snacks and rain gear.  This was a commitment to 'get-er done in the one day.  The mileage wasn't a big deal for us, the weather and the 3 mountains we had to go over were indeed a big deal.  Our second summit of the day was on the South Kinsman where we pulled out our cell phones and found great coverage.   Hummingbird on the phone to her boyfriend (Pey-Pey LePew) and me on with Vasque to work out a shipment for new boots.   

All was going well until the crack of thunder overhead.   Then we started running. Still with 1 mountain (North Kinsman) to climb, we had our work cut out for us.  Out speed was very good until the rain made it really slippery.  It should also be noted that this (other than the time the 100 mile wilderness where someone shouted trail magic) was the first time I jogged on my new hips.   Note: no more jogging.  
Regardless, the day kicked our butts (common phrase by ALL that have done this section, slack or not).  Cold beers against the knees that evening helped.   We also crossed paths this day with Abbi and Gumby Bear. We hadn't seen long time tramly member Gumby since Gorham.   Abbi (vacationing spouse of Gumby) we had not met.  So, all good, we talked them into returning the Notch of a huge dinner by Hummingbird.  They had already spent 2 nights there with a zero in between that allowed us to catch back up.   We also were able to "run them down" because we did the section NOBO.  That is fun because you get to see hikers you haven't seen in a few.   In addition to those two, we saw Buffalo, Budget and Jeremiah again.  

The dinner was incredible as hostel owner Justin ran us over the Price Chopper for groceries.  Hummingbird, Abbi, Gumby and I ended up feeding the entire hostel that night thinking we were heading out in the AM to take on the famous Mt Moosilauke.   

Hummingbird came down to breakfast and informed me that she needed to make a run back to Michigan for a few days.  That is the "on-hold" part.  Chipmunk and I have been here at the Notch since working on projects around the hostel such as a firepit, painting the front ramp and porch and shuttling hikers.  Pretty much whatever as we wait for Hummingbird's return.  she is expected Wed or Thursday (8-3 or 4).  

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