Tuesday, August 9, 2016

441 - Dartmouth College

I'm currently sitting in the basement of the Parks and Recreation building in Hanover NH. Five bucks for laundry and a shower-very nice. Hummingbird, Chipmunk Chuck and Mr Sunshine are across the street at the coop for resupply. 

We've had a few good days of hiking. Yesterday, was our 2nd biggest at 16.4 miles. The views are getting farther apart as the green canopy becomes the norm. We did find some nice raspberries that cost us some time-but no way are we walking by those. Our camping spot last night was right off the DC soccer field in the woods. This gave us easy access to supples at the store. Nice camp. 

Joey's shoes are blowing out and we're hoping to milk those to the end. My hiking Merrill shirt went in the trash this morning due to popular demand. Beem replaced it with a better Ibex ("The Art of Wool") shirt. She's been an awesome addition to our "Hamily" (family formed from week of Hostel living). 

We will walk out of NH today or tomorrow and look forward to the (widely reported) super hiking in Vermont. 

Great Beer (should have started there)

Also looking forward to the arrival of Pey-Pey LePew, Karl And Mende Gleiss. Ther arrive on Thursday and Friday respectively. 

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