Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dark Days of the White Mountains

...Not really.  When I'm on the phone, I usually end the call by saying "ok, talk to you later, I'm going dark now".  Which means that the phone is going to airplane mode so as to save the power.   In the White Mountains, there is no power.  The huts are powered by wind, water or poop and they don't give the power away to mere hikers.  So, if you've expired your battery and you've expired your external power supply, you're done.

I was done.  Hummingbird had power and the picture taken over some of the best mountains on trip are on her phone.   Garfield, Lafayette, the Franconia Ridge!  Great stuff.  Pictures do come.    Joey did get a trail name up on Lafayette.   Scenario:  we had just summit-ed on a picture perfect day and he immediately proceeded to lie down in his go-to prone position.  During his slumber, he felt something on his stomach then chest.   Opening his eyes, he stared straight into the eyes of a chipmunk checking him out.

So, now we are hiking with "Chipmunk Chuck"!

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