Wednesday, June 15, 2016


At the moment, our family Outback is taking our crew of four past Albany, NY. 10:15am the day before our adventure begins. My wife Barb and Sydney's boyfriend Payton have volunteered to no only chauffeur us the 18+  hours to Baxter State Park in Maine, but are also going to join us on day one-Mt.  Katahdin! 


One article indicated that this is one of the 7 most extreme climbs on the entire AT. Fortunately, we can do this with day packs since we go up (~4,200 ft in 5.2 miles) and return to the same place. Syd and I will then don our  packs (32# and 42#-loaded), say goodbye (for now) and head into the 100 mile Wilderness.


But, for now, we are targeting Millinocket for the night where we'll seek the advice on the AT's northern most outfitter. 


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