Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Statistics from First 115 miles

Here are some of the random thoughts:

100 miles: 11 days, 10 per day

Blisters 1

Lost gear-hat, neck thingy

Sleeping under stars without rain fly-8

Bug bites - 2

Slipping and falling in bog-1

Slipping and falling in Katahdin-1

Trail magic-twice, 3 Pabst and 10 millers at trail magic

Swimming in rivers or ponds, priceless

Fish-4 smallmouth, 6 trout

Broken fishing poles -1

Michigan hikers-5 , Doug and son, hell yes 2, and bird man

Hiker names-countless...

  1. Megan and Brian
  2. Olga and Ian
  3. Bear bag
  4. Mary Popins
  5. Dan - Ox. Took this from one of his boys. 5 lost in Afghanistan. Finishing Katahdin in morn. 10 miles to get there and 10.4 to loop up an back. We shared a beer.
  6. Ken & jules …team husky - Flamen Husky
  7. David - met at Rainbow springs lean to - not confident to go all the way
  8. Greg "Hell yes, mother Fucker"
  9. Scott …"Hell yes, mother fucker spencer"
  10. Hummingbird
  11. Sybil - Justin and Justin w/ Jay
  12. Tarzan
  13. Kremlin
  14. Holeshot
  15. Fiddlesticks
  16. Fainting Goat
  17. Pink Lemonade
  18. JayBird
  19. Fedora
  20.  Jeremiah Johnson
  21. Twisted Ankle
  22. Poet
  23. Hippie-chick
  24. Iron Rabbit

100 Mile Completed

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

100 mile

Deep in the 100 mile wilderness! Campsite after campsite on the water. Smallmouth fishing last night was really good. Syd cooked up a great fish dinner. Only desiring a fly rod for theses sweet streams we've been walking.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


At the moment, our family Outback is taking our crew of four past Albany, NY. 10:15am the day before our adventure begins. My wife Barb and Sydney's boyfriend Payton have volunteered to no only chauffeur us the 18+  hours to Baxter State Park in Maine, but are also going to join us on day one-Mt.  Katahdin! 


One article indicated that this is one of the 7 most extreme climbs on the entire AT. Fortunately, we can do this with day packs since we go up (~4,200 ft in 5.2 miles) and return to the same place. Syd and I will then don our  packs (32# and 42#-loaded), say goodbye (for now) and head into the 100 mile Wilderness.


But, for now, we are targeting Millinocket for the night where we'll seek the advice on the AT's northern most outfitter.